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Friday, December 19, 2008

Meet Gwen!

Meet Gwen the Penguin (pronounced Pen-gwen)! Haha. By now I am sure you will have seen her in some of the most recent photos.

I have been meaning to introduce our new addition to the trip but my internet has been iffy at best and I forgot when it was holding for us. Gwen is an emperor penguin (stuffed animal) we bought to be our mascot for the trip. She has been with us since Charleston. She symbolizes the freezing cold climate that we were in for quite some time. We felt that a penguin was more suited than a flamingo. My cousin Declan has this really neat thing he does where he takes a sock monkey wherever he goes and takes pictures of it next to really cool sites. We thought we would borrow that idea and have Gwen. I hope that is ok Dec! We just thought it was a way cool idea.

I guess Gwen is more of a joke between the three of us. I slid her into some the pictures online seeing if anyone would notice. Since I have been getting some emails about her I felt it time to introduce her. She too was sick of being cold and now sports a cocktail umbrella.

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