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Sunday, September 14, 2008

Practice to the Choptank

This past week, we decided to take Thaleia out for a couple days.  We decided to sail out Thursday morning and head across the Bay for the Choptank River.  Sailing was rough on Thursday as the winds were light and we discovered that Thaleia doesn't sail well close to the wind.  hmmm....  As we say, "Sail her fat!" We ended up taking down the sails and motored for most of the way.  Of course, while en route to our anchorage, we discovered that our engine was overheating and leaking oil!!!!  Sails went up to aide the motor.  Anchoring was no problem in the Bay, since the typical Bay muck sucks down your anchor almost every time on the first try.  Our system for dropping the anchor went well.  We are all working on our specific tasks and working out the communication between them.  

The night was cool and wonderful and stars amazing!  As for the poor dogs, they were in extremiss.  Potty training on board has proved to be our most difficult task and the dogs went all night without any relief.  

The next day proved wonderful sailing!!!   The wind was strong and the current was with us and Thaleia loves sailing downwind.  We hit hull speed averaging about 6.5 knots but hitting mid 7's in gusts.  She was humming!  We had a blast sailing her around in the Bay.  Coming back in, we noticed that our staysail now has a HUGE hole in it.  We believe it has gone through 2 panels, making patching interesting.  Also makes us wonder how the rest will hold up.  

Unfortunately, the trip showed a definite need for a new engine and has presented some worries as to the dogs ability to adapt.  We have been told... when they have to go, they will do it!  I guess they can hold it a lot longer than we all think.  

As always, more projects to do before we go.  We're down the 6-7 week mark.  

Happy sailing!